Are you ready?

If so, welcome to the new YOU

I am a Doctor of Nursing Practice, Health Coach and your ultimate advocate.

My story & my “why”

Whomever first said “it’s a marathon, not a sprint” likely had no idea how applicable that phrase would be to the many facets of life. Like you, I grew up influenced by the perils of the SAD (Standard American Diet - funny how accurate that acronym is) and the goal around high achievement = happiness. That life took a long marathon’s worth of time for me to build and “achieve” - eventually realizing the adverse affects. My health before kids was sub-optimal. Tired, depressed, achievement-oriented (more degrees, please!). I dieted (Keto, low-sugar, whatever I could put my hands on), exercised (personal training as a last resort, anyone??), and felt awful with no resolution of my “issues.” Then I had a child. Those body changes are traumatic enough - coupled with an extremely traumatic delivery that left me paralyzed and unable to walk for over 3 months. I was bed-ridden and dependent on others. I was a mess. I went to doctors that said “you just need therapy” or “give your body time” or “your labs actually look really good considering!” There was no option for my life to be like this. I knew I deserved better, but more than that my daughter deserved a healthy mom. I wasn’t finding it where I was looking. I was sick. I was tired. I was OVER traditional medicine. I am a NURSE - and I was OVER my own industry!

I started investigating other, countercultural ways to achieve health and wellness. I FINALLY started uncovering some clues as to “why” my health wasn’t improving and identifying the building blocks of REAL health. It’s been 8 years. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. I’ve lost approximately 70 pounds, found my personal keys to function, health and wellness, and am a better mom. I want to help YOU. It is POSSIBLE. You have it inside yourself - you always have - and I’m here to help you. YOU are worth it. Your health and wellness ARE ACHIEVEABLE. You just need some Counterculture Health and Wellness coaching to get started!

My “Why”

This was me at my unhealthiest - feeling awful, tired, overweight and unhappy. I share this with a lot of trepidation. It’s not easy looking back after I’ve come so far. However, our past shapes us and I’m proud of the work I’ve put in and progress I’ve made. I’ve been there. I know what you are going through.